About Us !

Eat in Budget is all about making daily cooking easy, fast, convenient and simply budget friendly. Budget is not all about saving money. It’s about cooking efficiently with the resources available at home. Our home chefs have designed recipes in a way that you can use leftovers and make a completely new dish for your family and friends.

Being Pakistan’s First Budget Friendly Digital Portal to Recipes. These recipes are easy to begin with. You can connect with them like they are being made in your own home. Eat in Budget means you can cook healthy meals, meals that you see at a restaurant, meals that you are not sure if you can make and can get the same results.

All our recipes are made under PKR 600/ USD 4 and serves a family of 4-5 easily.

NOTE: All Eat in Budget content is copyright protected and must not be used without written permission.


Eat More Healthfully.

Choose nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains for better health.

No Commitment Required

No obligation necessary; enjoy our services without any commitment or long-term contracts.

We Have Reputation

We're known for our integrity, quality, and reliability in our industry or community.


Adaptability and versatility to meet diverse needs, ensuring satisfaction and convenience for all.

Fresh & Pesticide Free

Produce cultivated without pesticides, ensuring freshness and healthfulness for consumers' well-being.


Tailoring products or services to individual preferences, ensuring personalized experiences and satisfaction

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